Docker Gui For Mac 2018

Docker gui for windows

Docker Desktop is an easy-to-install application for your Mac or Windows environment that enables you to start coding and containerizing in minutes. Docker Desktop includes everything you need to build, test and ship containerized applications right from your machine. Docker for Mac and GUI applications 31 Jul 2016 #Docker. A quick guide on how to run containers requiring a GUI with Docker for Mac and XQuartz. This guide is assuming the following. About Panamax What? Panamax is a containerized app creator with an open-source app marketplace hosted in GitHub. Panamax provides a friendly interface for users of Docker, Fleet & CoreOS. Kitematic’s one click install gets Docker running on your Mac and lets you control your app containers from a graphical user interface (GUI). Docker Hub Integration Easily search and pull your favorite images on Docker Hub from Kitematic GUI to create and run your app containers. Docker for Mac is a native Mac application architected from scratch, with a native user interface and auto-update capability, deeply integrated with OS X native virtualization If you are using Docker Machine, then you can ssh to the machine using docker-machine ssh command and find the logs at /var/log/docker.

Posted by2 years ago
  1. Feb 10, 2018  Docker for Mac Kubernetes Dashboard. Docker for Mac. Comes with the Kubernetes dashboard baked into it, just wondering if D4MK also has this? Sgandon (Sgandon) 2018-01-11 10:45:17 UTC #2. No it does not have it baked in but the install is very easy. You can already access to the admin GUI, to retreive the port, run the.
  2. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it.

I am using docker for all my development. I used to have a ubuntu laptop for my primary development machine, now I switched to Mac. Performance is much slower on Mac though. For an app i managed to bind the volume as read-only as the PHP app is sandboxed and does not write to disk. But instead if I work with Laravel or other stuff in a container, volume speeds are low.

I am using NFS with d4m-nfs and the speed improves a bit.

Also I downloaded the edge version for D4M and tried to bind the volume as delegated. The speed improves a bit more but only when doing a command for two times. The first time is still slow.

Here is a short gif demonstrating times running a simple php command first time and second time. Second time is in 0.4 seconds, faster, but still a bit slow (0.01 on host).

Mac Docker Gui

Are there any things i should do to improve the speed on Mac? And please, don't tell me to switch to linux :). I am ok with mac, just want a little more juice form Docker on Mac.


Managing docker containers from the command line is actually very simple. Even so, there are many admins who much prefer a GUI tool to handle every task. No judging here. But when you need a GUI for your docker containers, where do you turn? One particular GUI tool is Simple Docker UI. This originally started as a Chrome App, but since Google announced it would be deprecating Chrome Apps, the developer opted to migrate this handy tool to a GUI that can be installed on Linux, Mac, and Windows.

Data Center Must-Reads

Simple Docker UI features:

  • Garbage collection for unused images and containers
  • Remove Images or containers
  • Support for docker Swarm
  • Virtual terminal
  • Search/pull images from the docker Hub
  • Easy container deployment
  • Start/stop/delete/list containers
  • Manage Container Volumes and Environment
  • View docker events
Docker gui for mac 2018 holiday

I want to show you how to install this app and connect it to your docker server. I will be installing the UI on Elementary OS and connecting it to a Ubuntu 16.04 server running docker.

The app works via the docker remote API, so the first thing you must do is enable that on your docker server.

Enabling the remote API

The first thing you must do is enable the docker remote API. This is handled on your docker server. Log into your docker server, open up a terminal window, and issue the command:

Look for the following line:

Modify that line to this:

Docker gui applications

Save and close that file. Now reload the systemctl daemon with the command:

Finally, restart the docker service with the command:

docker user

There is one more issue that must be taken care of on the server. You have to be able to run docker commands without privilege, so add your standard user to the docker group with the command:

Docker Gui For Mac 2018 Football

Log out and log back in and you should be good to go.

Install the UI

Download the installer file for your system. As I mentioned, I'll be demonstrating on Elementary OS, so the installation is as simple as running the following command (assuming you've saved the .deb file in ~/Downloads):

Once the installation completes, you can run the GUI with the command SimpleDockerUI.

Using the UI

When you first run the UI, you will land on the Settings tab. This is where you make your connection to the docker server. Enter the IP address of your docker server with port 4243 (which is how we setup the API earlier) and click the Verify! Button (Figure A).

Figure A

Make sure to click the Save button before you move out of this window, otherwise you'll have to create the connection the next time you open the app. You can have as many connections as you need (so connect Simple Docker UI to all of your docker servers).

At this point you can click on the Images tab, pull an image, click on the image (once it has downloaded), click the Deploy button, configure the container options (Figure B), and click Run to deploy the container.

Figure B

docker containers made easy

You'd be hard-pressed to find a tool that makes working with docker containers any easier than Simple Docker UI. This handy GUI should be considered a must-try for any docker administrator.

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Also see

  • How to commit changes to a docker image (TechRepublic)
  • 5 tips for securing your Docker containers (TechRepublic)
  • How to run NGINX as a Docker container (TechRepublic)
  • Docker: The smart person's guide (TechRepublic)
  • New Docker turnkey program helps enterprises modernize legacy apps (ZDNet)