Word For Mac 2016 Fonts Missing After 2018 Update

It's been fixed now but thanks for replying The font was an OpenType Font (.otf) As I said above iGav has helped me fix this (thaks iGav) although when he sent me a screenshot of where the font was, which was at the bottom shown in the Asian area and even Asian text, but the font isn't Asian at all. Document linked to Printer in Microsoft Word Fonts Missing from Menu in Microsoft Word How can I get a different header / footer on the second page? This page is about how to repeat data in a document using mapped content controls. This can be relatively easy, or somewhat complex. (As of Word 2016 what you get is text.).

  1. Microsoft Office 2016 Fonts
  2. Word For Mac 2016 Fonts Missing After 2018 Update
Posted by4 years ago

When I restarted my computer a week or so ago, some of my fonts were suddenly gone. One of them being Meiryo UI, which I use a lot in a lot of applications. I think other fonts are gone as well, because some programs look different to what I remember them and that My Fonts folder seems awfully small as well.

Word For Mac 2016 Fonts Missing After 2018 Update

Multiple restarts hasn't helped and attempting to download the fonts online seem to cost money...? I'm not sure what I can do to get my missing fonts back.

Thanks in advance.

Microsoft Office 2016 Fonts


Word For Mac 2016 Fonts Missing After 2018 Update